Musculoskeletal Ultrasound

What is MSK ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a pain free and non-invasive way to look at parts of the human anatomy by using sound waves. Musculoskeletal (MSK) ultrasound allows your doctor to see muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves inside your body. During this procedure, a hand-held device called transducer is placed on your skin with the interposition of a water-soluble gel. The device emits inaudible high-pitch sound waves that collide with the tissue and get reflected or absorbed. The returning waves are then captured and create a real-time image on a monitor.

What can MSK ultrasound diagnose?

MSK ultrasound can diagnose a vast array of musculoskeletal pathologies:
    • Rotator cuff tears
    • Acromioclavicular joint arthritis
    • Tennis/golfer’s elbow (epicondylitis)
    • Carpal tunnel syndrome
    • Distal biceps tendon tear
    • Ganglion cysts
    • Inflammation, such as tendonitis and bursitis
    • Tendon ruptures, such as patellar tendon, quadriceps or achilles tendon ruptures

What are the applications of MSK U/S?

Ultrasound can also assist in treatment, as makes possible the execution of more accurate ultrasound-guided injection on your muscle, joint or nerve. Some examples of US-guided injections that are commonly performed by Dr Panagopoulos is the office include:

    • Subacromial shoulder injections for impingement syndrome/cuff tears
    • Long head of biceps sheath injections
    • ACJ injections for arthritis
    • Glenohumeral joint injections for frozen shoulder
    • Tennis & golfer’s elbow injections
    • Injections for distal biceps tendonitis
    • Tendon sheath injections for trigger finger
    • Tendon sheath injections for DeQuervain’s
    • CMC joint injections for thumb arthritis
    • Carpal tunnel steroid injections

Ultrasound does not use radiation and does not pose the risks associated with x-rays or CT scans. Also, unlike an MRI, it is suitable for claustrophobic patients who cannot tolerated closed spaces. It does not involve the use of a contrast agent, so no injections are needed. You don’t have to prep in any particular way for an MSK ultrasound. Wear comfortable and loose clothes the day of the exam, so that you can have the body area under scrutiny easily exposed.

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